So if you have comments, observations, photos or whatever you can send them to me and I'll get them posted. For me the reunion went perfectly and I thank all of you for your many kind words. For me it was a "labor of love" but you can leave the labor out. All of you know how good you feel when you are able to give someone you care about a special gift - well that's how I felt this past weekend.
The two who had to miss the banquet, one because of work and another because of a delayed flight were able to participate in the other weekend events so they weren't left out.
The blog will remain up and a number of you have indicated you still have old photos and clippings to contribute plus I hope you'll send photos of the reunion as well. If your conversations went like mine you probably discovered you did and said a lot of things you don't remember.
Today I want to feature the coaches in the photos and from the time Friday night it's obvious how much they meant to all of us. In alphabetical order we had Ben Coleman, Jim Hartman, Don Robinson, Dave Wardell and Art White with us. Now those are the golden oldie coaches but a lot more of us coached as well and I can only hope our legacy will be as rich as their's with the men and women we coached. One of my few regrets was that I didn't think to get a group shot of these coaches together.

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