Charlie Jackson..talking points
1995-2005 Clear Creek County Board of Adjustment reviews variances to Zoning regulations.
1998- FEMA part-timer; worked in Miss. for Hurricane Katrina in 2005;
1977-2000 High Altitude Revegetation Committee
1998-1999 summer forest technician with the USFS in Idaho Springs
1997-1998 Consultant services to US mining
1996-1997 Environmental with Echo Bay Gold mines in US, Canada, Mexico, and Brazil.
1995-1996 environmental due diligence for mining in the US and abroad (Canada, Peru).
1993-1995 Environmental for Cyprus Amax Minerals Company of Englewood, CO
1989-1993 Environmental for AMAX Inc. in Golden, CO working in the US and Canada.
1977-1989 Environmental for Climax Molybdenum Company's Henderson molybdenum mine
1976-1977 Planner for the Sheridan Area Planning Agency in Sheridan, WY
1974-1976 Genge Environmental Consultants working near Buffalo, WY
1973-74 Helicopter pilot in Johannesburg, Rep of South Africa
1973-74 Helicopter pilot in Johannesburg, Rep of South Africa
1972-74 working holiday/honeymoon (NZ, Australia, So Africa, E Africa, India..
1970-1972 Outdoor Recreation/Natural Resource Administration (MS), Colorado State University.
1969-70 Salesman for IBM in Office Products Division. with headquarters in Casper, WY
1965-1968 Officer/helicopter pilot U.S. Army; RVN (silver star, air medals, purple heart).
1961-1965 Fishery Biology (BS), Colorado State University
1961-65 gymnastics at Colorado A & M; my friends went to CU;
1961 grad of Aurora High School; gymnastics there with Coach Don Robinson; did the xmas vacation trip to Sarasota, FL with coach twice; one of the highlights of my life;
1960 winter (I believe); gymnastics demo in Hoxie, KS high School while Art White was coach there; first time I had Mexican food cooked by coach White’s wife;
Family; Wife, Katie for 36 years; son 33, daughter-in-law, granddaughter.. Jackson, WY; son 30 not married yet in Denver, CO;
Recreation; skiing, hiking, backpacking, travel (Peru, China, Italy, Costa Rica, Belize, Kansas..) biking, golf
It's still not too late to register for the banquet. In the last couple of days Steve Iannicito, Charlie Jackson and Bob Poston have all signed up. And you don't have to register for Saturday afternoon although it would be helpful to know how many are coming. I'm also bringing my 8/Super 8 mm projector on both Friday and Saturday so bring your old movies.
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