As a side note, Ed Klanecky and I both took our physical for the draft at the same time and of course he got out with a 4-F because of a bad knee I believe and I was drafted.
It has been very interesting for me to read the many bios and I have to admit that Ben Blea got my vote for the most entertaining and interesting. I got a lot of information over the years from Don Robinson who kept me up to date on the details of the world of gymnastics and also from Terry who, as you all know stayed active through judging.
When I read Rich Jouen's comments about Terry Truman, it jogged a little memory I had of an article that Terry wrote when he turned 30 years old and which was published in, I believe the Rocky Mountain News . I told Terry that I would send this article to him which I did and asked him to get it on the blog which he agreed to do, but knowing Terry's humility or as he would say "I was too busy", I don't think he will do it, so I've decided to include it in this email for the group to enjoy. Because we're all a bunch of old farts I think everyone can relate and will enjoy it. It's pretty remarkable when you read this and realize this was done from rote memory, no research, and pretty much highlights the mis-spent youth some of us enjoyed or at least read about in the papers. It's scary to think this was written 32 years ago and even scarier to think some guys can still do a handstand, not to mention from a press.
I hope everyone enjoyed the reunion and got to establish old relationships as well as realizing the huge impact it had on all of our lives, even if some of us did not continue the pursuit. Best regards to all the great Colorado gymnasts and I hope you enjoy Terry's article.
John Young
714-747-2555 Cell

ReplyDeleteYou Silver Tongued Devil... could not have said it better; no I stand corrected... I could not have said it at all. Words fly off your tongue like you used to fly around on Floor Ex!
Dominick Rose