Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Better News! I had the video professionally transferred to DVD to improve the quality, the copies have been made and will be mailed out today or tomorrow (9/30-10/1).
While activity on the blog has slowed down since the reunion the ramifications of the event have not. I'd like to share a recent interaction I had with Rich Jaouen and hopefully some of you will send me follow ups from the reunion to share as well. I also finished my first Connie Willis novel and am about to start my second for those of you are science fiction fans. I'll bet Courtney could even get Connie to autograph your book.

Exchange of E-mails between Rich and Pat

to me
show details Sep 27 (4 days ago)

I'm using a picture of Jack as my screen saver this week. If you would have won a national title I would have used you.

Patrick Edwards

to DonPanic
show details Sep 28 (2 days ago)

I was going to be one of the national polio poster children until the girl in the picture with me died. Does that qualify?

to me
show details Sep 29 (2 days ago)

This is perfect. I wish I were the kind of person that doesn't see the humor in this, but I'm not. Thanks for the screen saver Pat!

Patrick Edwards

to DonPanic
show details Sep 29 (2 days ago)

You're more than welcome. ;) I just feel honored knowing I can replace Jack Ryan when the time comes.

Friday, September 25, 2009

The master DVD goes to the duplication company today and should be ready for mailing next week. I'm giving it the final review even as I write this. Unfortunately it doesn't have the quality we're use to with the old 8mm films or professionally produced videos but it will still give you an hour of enjoyment AND it's FREE! I'm sending it to everybody who has responded so about 65 DVD's will be going out soon. I'm also having some extras made for additional requests. These should play on any DVD player.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Just got this from Terry Truman - Bobby Fisher's wedding day. I went to his bachelor party (can't tell you where it was since Bobby has always had such a sterling reputation) but I don't remember going to his wedding. I wonder if it was because I didn't have a leisure suit like Alexander and Sargent?

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

This is what happens when people won't help me identify people in the photos I've posted! ;)

Joan saw the comment about her being "someone's trophy wife" and would like you to know that she is definitely NOT a trophy wife, but a wife with trophies!

Recent trophies the wife has won
PS I wouldn't piss her off again if I were you! :-)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

These photos are from the smaller gathering on Saturday night for guys coached by Art White and Don Robinson.

Don't forget all the photos will greatly enlarge if you click on them!

Marty Quigley, Ken Macaulay, Jim Hegy, Jack Ryan

Art White, Jim Hegy, Chris & Pat Edwards, Rich Jaouen

Marty Quigley, Ken Macaulay, Don Robinson

Ed Klanecky, Pat Edwards

Louann White, Don Robinson, Dottie McGuire, Bob Mullins

Don Robinson, Dottie McGuire

Chris Edwards, Louann White, Rich & Renee Murahata

Ed Klanecky, Cindy Hegy, Carla Hoffschneider

Carla Hoffschneider, Ed Klanecky, Tracey Ryan, Cindy Hegy

Frank Miles, Marty Quigley

Tracey Ryan, Cindy Hegy, Bob Mullins, Carla Hoffschneider, Ed Klanecky

Rich Jaouen, Jack Ryan

Dan Evans, Jim Hegy, Larry Hoffschneider

Dottie McGuire, Art White, Ken Macaulay, Don Robinson

Louann White, Carla Hoffschneider, Jack Ryan, Larry Hoffschneider

Renee Murahata, Chris Edwards, Rich Murahata, Jack Ryan, Carla Hoffschneider

Jim Hegy, Renee Murahata, Jack Ryan

Rich Murahata, Chris Edwards, Renee Murahata

Ken Macaulay, Art White, Don Robinson, Dottie McGuire

Ken Macaulay, Don Robinson, Dottie McGuire, Dan Evans

Tracey Ryan, Connie Jaouen, Larry Hoffschneider, Rich Jaouen

Louann White, Larry & Carla Hoffschneider, Jack Ryan, Bob Mullins