Our Newest Attendee!
YO Pat, here’s my bio:
Maybe I can keep my sequences in correct order. After all it’s been about 46 year’s since I graduated from South High, Denver, and at least that long since seeing most of you. After just barely graduating from South, Coach Tony Rossi was able to get me into CSC, [now UNC]. Coach Rossi and I did NOT get along. He could not deal with my wild attitude, nor I with his [my perceived perception] aloof attitude. First year was OK, second year I was gone. I joined the Navy, good decision. I served on a nuke sub, the experience taught me some much needed self discipline. I was discharged, honorably of course, in 1970. By this time, I’m married, one kid, and shortly another on the way in 1971, all the while working in construction, until 1972. I decided to give school another whirl. I graduated from Metropolitan State College, with degree in Recreation, witha sports and athletic emphasis, in 1976. While attending Metro I had a successful stint with power lifting. When I graduated, I could not find a job. Once again I think my wired personality might have been part of the problem. Out of the BLUE I get a call from KIMN Radio, weird personality welcome. In short I became KIMN’s mascot, The KIMN Chicken. Unreal job for 11 year’s. During that time I got into motorized dirt biking. I remarried to my “darling” Pam. We got married April, 86, and spent out honeymoon riding our dirt bikes in Moab, Utah. I did a bodybuilding show at 57 years old, as you see in the picture. The “Russian” splits picture is at a dual meet. The “Yogi” handstand was taken at the DU Invitational in 1963. Bobby Fisher was very concerned about the light, he mentioned I should have them turn it off, I did not. Sure enough, I couldn’t lock the “Yogi” in. Win some, loose some, huh? I’ve been mostly welding for the last 20 years. Well this should be enough. Hopefully a lot of us will see one another at the reunion. Ya’ll be Cool.
Jimmy Fulcher.
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