Monday, June 8, 2009

Welcome to the blog of
Colorado's "Golden Oldies" Gymnastics Reunion

for all those guys in their 60's who competed in the

Friday night banquet: looking at a couple of possibilities that I'll probably ask you to vote on in the next few weeks.

Saturday morning: looking into golfing opportunity for those interested but it's still a maybe.

Saturday afternoon: A second casual get together for everyone since Friday night won't be enough to catch up. It will be held at 6654 West 99th Avenue, Westminster CO

Saturday evening: A chance to get together with close friends or team mates. Guys coached by Art White are meeting with him in Littleton. The DU guys are also planning a get-together.

When: August 7-8, 2009

Where: Denver, Colorado

Why: If you have to ask why...

If you're interested in this event or know someone who might be please have them contact me at

  1. Coach Art White - Fairview, CU
  2. Louanne
  3. Coach Don Robinson - Aurora Central, Arizona State
  4. Coach Dave Wardell - Aurora Hinkley, Kansas State
  5. Carolyn
  6. Coach Doug DeWitt - DU
  7. Georgia
  8. Ben, Blea - East, CU
  9. Barbara
  10. Dardano, Larry - North, CSU
  11. Edwards, Pat - Fairview, CU
  12. Christine
  13. Evans, Dan - CU
  14. Gauthier, Cliff - Lincoln, DU
  15. Hegy, Jim - Fairview
  16. Heinrich, Al - Pasadena CC,
  17. Hoffschneider, Larry - Lincoln, CU
  18. Carla
  19. Jaouen, Rich - CU
  20. Connie
  21. Jenkins, Tom - Fairview, CU
  22. Klanecky, Ed - Aurora Central, Northern Colorado
  23. Macauley, Ken - Fairview, CU
  24. Miles, Frank - Fairview
  25. Murahata, Rich - Fairview, Michigan State
  26. Renee
  27. Nicoletti, Vince - North, DU
  28. Joan
  29. Parsons, Tim - DU
  30. Pomeranz , Gary - North, CU
  31. Proulx, Tom - Fairview, PCC, Colorado State
  32. Bonnie
  33. Quigley, Marty - Fairview
  34. Richmond, Brian -
  35. Suzanne
  36. Royce, Jim - Aurora Central, New Mexico
  37. Ryan, Jack - Aurora Central, CU
  38. Tracy
  39. Salazar, Gil - South, UNC
  40. Sargent, Sam -
  41. Schanberger, Fred - Wasson, DU
  42. Connie
  43. Shelley, Dana - Ranum, New Mexico
  44. Singer, Eric - Fairview, CU
  45. Frank Swanson - Wasson, DU
  46. Truman, Terry - Aurora Central, Washington
  47. Glen Vaughan -
The only reason Proulx is in this picture is because he's the only one who could do a dismount! Look at all those crutches and skinny legs.

Talk about a bunch of stiffs - both photographically and physically.

Photos courtesy of our unofficial Colorado Gymnastics historian - Terry Truman.

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